Wednesday, March 26, 2008

More fun with the Redfly

I have been pushing this gadget to the limits this week.
I told you yesterday I got it hooked up to my pantech pn820 smartphone. I used the Treo 700wx cab file and drivers since they are both wm5. It worked very well considering. The letters on the screen were not as sharp but thats understandable. Since wm smartphone has no touchscreen support the use of the touchpad on the Redfly was a no go. Everything had to be done with the keyboard or the phone itself. Smartphones will have a back key or a clear key which the Redfly does not have so it would have been very hard to use if it had not been for using the phone as well. I also got my old i730 fired up with it and did just fine. I am currently using my old treo 700wx with absolutely no problems. I have a very beat up Q but right now Jaclynn is using it but I would guess it would work fine as well seeing as the pn820 did ok. To me I think Redfly support for smartphone OS would be more important because they have less function than a ppc due to lack of touchscreen and sometimes smaller screen. Then again this is aimed for the Enterprise group and maybe they don't use Smartphones as much, someone else would have to answer that for me.

Oh by the way I need a couple more people to befriend me on Facebook. I asked a few weeks ago and got some response but I need a couple more so I can vote for Tech Hotties.

Tomorrow I will have some pics for you of something I acquired and another small place in history I have achieved.

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